Saturday, October 02, 2010

So, I'm new to all this. But I'm going to give it a try. I'm a married mother of (almost) three kids. The third is due any day now. I love doing things the natural way. I love gardening and using my own produce, cooking, canning and dehydrating. For awhile I even made my own cheese (until our good ol' government put a ban on getting raw milk). I make my own granola, spaghetti sauce and pizza sauce.

Unfortunetly these last few weeks I have been slowing down and don't have much ambition to do anything. But I'm trying to at least keep up with all of the laundry. And I know I'll have SOOOOO much more after baby is born. I plan on using cloth diapers with this baby. I'm trying to lessen our impact on an environment that is already in peril you see. I know I can do it. It is just something new to me, and therefore kind of scary. There are all these different brands of cloth diapers and trying to decide which one is best is very difficult. But I have found some wonderful resources online.

Softbums in one of the cloth diapers I really want to try and "BONUS" they just came out with a new design and have this super awesome giveaway going on. If you are into the cloth diaper thing I would seriously check them out at